Supercharged Scripts

Small Scripts that made my life easier.

View the Project on GitHub niranjan94/supercharged-scripts

Some Scripts that made my life easier. Hope it's useful for you too.


1. nmap-bulk-ip-port-scanner (PHP Script): a php script to scan a list of ip addresses against a set of ports. The script logs ip addresses that have one of the specified list of ports open. Useful for network scanning and detection of specific types of servers (printers, IP cameras, etc).

Don't forget to run composer update from the root of the nmap-bulk-ip-port-scanner directory to load dependencies.

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2. email-id-extractor (HTML/javascript): a small javascript code with a Bootstrap 3 UI to extract all email ID's from a string. Useful for data extraction.

Just extract/download the project and open index.html to use

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3. aerospace-toolkits / airfoil-generator (MATLAB): a MATLAB GUI Script that can easily generate and plot NACA 4 Series Airfoil. A csv file containing the airfoil co-ordinates can also be generated. Useful for aerospace, aerodynamics, fluid mechanics.

Just extract/download the project and open AirfoilGenerator.m in MATLAB (after switching into that directory)

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4. aerospace-toolkits / stress-calculator (MATLAB): a MATLAB GUI Script that can be used to calculate stress at each point in a web-stringer arrangement on giving the stringer co-ordinates, areas and moment value (if any). Useful for Mechanics of Material, Aircraft Structures.

Just extract/download the project and open StressCalc.m in MATLAB (after switching into that directory)

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